Friday, July 3, 2009

Pirates of the Mediterranean

By Paul Craig Roberts

On June 30, the government of Israel committed an act of piracy when the Israeli Navy in international waters illegally boarded the “Spirit of Humanity,” kidnapped its 21-person crew from 11 countries, including former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and Nobel Laureate Mairead MaGuire, and confiscated the cargo of medical supplies, olive trees, reconstruction materials, and children’s toys that were on the way to the Mediterranean coast of Gaza. The “Spirit of Humanity,” along with the kidnapped 21 persons, is being towed to Israel as I write.

Gaza has been described as the “world’s largest concentration camp.” It is home to 1.5 million Palestinians who were driven by force of American-supplied Israeli arms out of their homes, off their farms, and out of their villages so that Israel could steal their land and make the Palestinian land available to Israeli settlers.

What we have been witnessing for 60 years is a replay in modern times, despite the United Nations and laws strictly preventing Israel’s theft of Palestine, of the 17th, 18th, and 19th century theft of American Indian lands by US settlers. An Israeli government spokesman recently rebuked the President of the United States, a country, the Israeli said, who stole all of its land from Indians, for complaining about Israel’s theft of Palestine.

I knew the “Spirit of Humanity” would fall to Israeli piracy the minute I received on June 25 from an official of an Israeli peace organization a “public advisory” that the government of Cyprus had withheld permission for the “Spirit of Humanity” to leave for Gaza. The US State Department had advised that “The Israeli Foreign Ministry informed U.S. officials at the American Embassy in Tel Aviv that Israel still considers Gaza an area of conflict and that any boats attempting to sail to Gaza will not be permitted to reach its destination.” The “Spirit of Humanity” obtained permission to leave Cyprus when all aboard signed a waiver absolving Cyprus of all responsibility for the crew’s safety at the hands of the Israelis.

As President Obama has called for humanitarian aid to be sent to Gaza, and as the International Red Cross has damned the inhumanity of Israel’s blockade of Gaza, the question that immediately comes to mind is why did not the United States send sufficient US Navy escort to see the “Spirit of Humanity” safely through international waters to Gaza? We send ships against Somalian pirates, why not against Israeli ones?

We all know the answer. The US talks a good “human rights” game, but never delivers–especially if the human rights abuser is Israel. After all, Israel owns the US Congress and President Obama. Israel even has an Israeli citizen and former member of the Israeli Defense Forces as the Chief-of-Staff in Obama’s White House. Israel owns millions of American “Christian Zionists” and “rapture evangelicans.” When it comes to Israel, the American government is a puppet state. It does what it is told.

Macho Americans might stand tall, but not when Israel snaps its fingers.

Israel, of course, will get away with a mere act of piracy. After all, Israel has been getting away with its war crimes and violations of international law for 60 years. If the UN tries to do anything, the US will veto it, as the US has done for decades.

What will happen to the kidnapped foreign nationals? Most likely they will be released and sent back to their respective countries. Israel, of course, will keep the stolen “Spirit of Humanity” to foreclose any further attempts by human rights activists to run Israel’s inhumane blockade of Gaza.

On the other hand, Israel might declare its captives to be terrorists on the ground that the Gazans elected in a free election Hamas as their government. Hamas, unlike Israel, is declared to be a terrorist organization by the puppet American State Department in Washington. Thus the human rights activists onboard the “Spirit of Humanity” are aiding and abetting terrorists by delivering goods to them. The US Department of Justice (sic) prosecutes American citizens and charities for sending aid to Palestinians on the grounds that Palestinians, if not everyone a terrorist, are governed by terrorists.

I wouldn’t be surprised if a Nobel Laureate and a former member of the US House of Representatives, along with the rest of the crew, are handed over to the Americans for indefinite detention and for torturing and waterboarding in the American torture facility at Bagram. I am certain that “Homeland Security” and the US Government are desperate to be rid of all of critics, and knocking off a Nobel Laureate and a member of the House sets a precedent for getting rid of the rest of us.

Meanwhile, California, which has become a failed state, has been denied bailout money from Washington. Israel, which has been a failed state for 60 years, can, unlike the American state of California, always count of Washington to deliver the money and the weapons to keep Israel going.

The same week that “our” government in Washington told the Governor of California “not one red cent,” President Barak Obama handed over $2.775 billion to Israel.

Online Journal (June 29) reported that the handover to Israel of the unemployed Americans’ tax dollars took place in a “tiny Capitol room” to which members of the press were denied access. I mean, really, who wants the media writing about US taxpayer dollars for Israel’s nuclear weapons while Americans are being kicked out of their homes. Not that, of course, the “Christian” supporters of Israel would mind.

Unlike every other recipient of US military largesse, Israel is permitted to bypass the Pentagon and to deal directly with US suppliers. Consequently, the Israel Lobby’s influence multiplies, because military suppliers fight for Israel in congressional committees in order to get Israel’s business. This lets Israel turn the screws on Iran. According to Grant F. Smith writing in Online Journal, Republican US Representative Mark Steven from Illinois has received $221,000 in campaign contributions from Israel political action committees (PACs). Therefore, it was a sure thing that he would introduce legislation preventing the Import-Export bank from providing loan guarantees to countries doing business with Iran.

Americans think that they are a superpower, but in fact they are a stupor-power. A puppet state if truth be known.

There is a great deal of evidence (see Jonathan Cook’s excellent piece on this site yesterday) that Israel is a child abuser. “God’s Chosen People” routinely abuses captured Palestinian children. The Israelis also abuse Palestinian children by shooting them down in the streets.

Don’t take my word for it. The Geneva-based Defense for Children International says, according to Time Magazine, that “the ill-treatment and torture of Palestinian child prisoners appears to be widespread, systematic and institutionalized, suggesting complicity at all levels of the political and military chain of command.”

According to Time Magazine, “Often, children suffer lasting traumas from jail. Says Saleh Nazzal from the Palestinian Ministry of Prisoner Affairs, ‘When soldiers burst into a house and drag away a child, he loses his feeling of being protected by his family. He comes back from prison alienated from his family, his friends. They don’t like going back to school or even leaving the house. They start wetting their beds.’ Says Mona Zaghrout, a YMCA counselor who helps kids returning from prison: ‘They come out of prison thinking and acting like they are men. Their childhood is gone.’ And they often turn to another father figure–the armed militant groups fighting the Israeli occupation.’”

And so it goes. There’s no money for California, or for Americans’ health care, or for the several million Americans who have lost their homes and are homeless, because Israel needs it. Israel need the Americans’ taxpayers money to that it can create even more enemies, and, therefore, need more American money to spend with the American armament industries to oppress more Palestinians and to make more enemies, requiring more American money to protect Israel from its folly and its evil.

And the brainwashed American public goes along year after year.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions. He can be reached at:


From tech stocks to high gas prices, Goldman Sachs has engineered every major market manipulation since the Great Depression - and they're about to do it again!


The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it's everywhere. The world's most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money. In fact, the history of the recent financial crisis, which doubles as a history of the rapid decline and fall of the suddenly swindled-dry American empire, reads like a Who's Who of Goldman Sachs graduates.

By now, most of us know the major players. As George Bush's last Treasury secretary, former Goldman CEO Henry Paulson was the architect of the bailout, a suspiciously self-serving plan to funnel trillions of Your Dollars to a handful of his old friends on Wall Street. Robert Rubin, Bill Clinton's former Treasury secretary, spent 26 years at Goldman before becoming chairman of Citigroup - which in turn got a $300 billion taxpayer bailout from Paulson. There's John Thain, the rear end in a top hat chief of Merrill Lynch who bought an $87,000 area rug for his office as his company was imploding; a former Goldman banker, Thain enjoyed a multibillion-dollar handout from Paulson, who used billions in taxpayer funds to help Bank of America rescue Thain's sorry company. And Robert Steel, the former Goldmanite head of Wachovia, scored himself and his fellow executives $225 million in golden parachute payments as his bank was self-destructing. There's Joshua Bolten, Bush's chief of staff during the bailout, and Mark Patterson, the current Treasury chief of staff, who was a Goldman lobbyist just a year ago, and Ed Liddy, the former Goldman director whom Paulson put in charge of bailed-out insurance giant AIG, which forked over $13 billion to Goldman after Liddy came on board. The heads of the Canadian and Italian national banks are Goldman alums, as is the head of the World Bank, the head of the New York Stock Exchange, the last two heads of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York - which, incidentally, is now in charge of overseeing Goldman - not to mention ...
Burst 6 But then, any attempt to construct a narrative around all the former Goldmanites in influential positions quickly becomes an absurd and pointless exercise, like trying to make a list of everything. What you need to know is the big picture: If America is circling the drain, Goldman Sachs has found a way to be that drain - an extremely unfortunate loophole in the system of Western democratic capitalism, which never foresaw that in a society governed passively by free markets and free elections, organized greed always defeats disorganized democracy.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Arnold Rules

Ahmadinejad Wins, Israel is Toast

In a grand victory that is sure to turn Israel into a glass parking lot, the heroic Ahmadinejad has won the election in Iran. Jews the world over are financing riots in Iran at this very moment, claiming without evidence that the elections were a fraud.

From CNN

Ahmadinejad hails election as protests grow

As street protests and voter skepticism rose over Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's election victory, the incumbent leader hailed the vote, saying it was a "great ordeal" but one that pointed "the way to the future."

"The people of Iran inspired hope for all nations and created a source of pride in the nation and disappointed all the ill wishers," Ahmadinejad said in a nationwide TV address Saturday night. "This election was held at a juncture of history."

The government said on Saturday that Ahmadinejad won Friday's presidential election with 62.63 percent of the vote and Mir Hossein Moussavi received 33.75 percent of the vote.

But while he extolled the result and the huge turnout, Moussavi and supporters in the Tehran streets are crying foul as street clashes have erupted in the aftermath of the polls. Reaction emerged across the world, as countries such as the United States and Canada voiced concern over claims of voter irregularities.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Here's a Video of My Gay Boss

He's not a very good boss, but he gives a great hand-job.

Two Inferior Races Bump Uglies

The people God chose for extermination threaten a man from a race God created in the image of a chimpanzee.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Muslim migrants riot in Athens

I do not see what the big deal is. I regularly wipe my ass with the Koran and anything else I can find in a dumpster.

Muslim migrants riot in Athens

Dozens of cars have been smashed, 14 people injured and 46 arrested in riots by Muslim migrants over the alleged defacing of a Koran by a policeman.

Police fired tear gas and stun grenades at hundreds of protesters outside Parliament in the city centre.

Police said they would investigate the allegation that an officer tore up an Iraqi migrant's Koran while checking his identity papers in Athens last week. "But this isolated incident cannot justify these acts of violence," said Interior Minister Christos Markoyiannakis.

Ex-SKorean leader Roh commits suicide at 62

I hope this sets a precedence for American politicians.

Ex-SKorean leader Roh commits suicide at 62

Former President Roh Moo-hyun, embroiled in a penetrating corruption investigation, leaped to his death Saturday — a shocking end for a man whose rags-to-riches rise took him from rural poverty to Seoul's presidential Blue House. He was 62.

Roh, a self-taught lawyer who never attended college and didn't have the elite background typical of Seoul politicians, had prided himself on being a "clean" leader immune to South Korea's traditional web of corruption.

One less gook, no one cares.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Obama calls for 'common ground' on abortion at Notre Dame

Here's the latest from Obama:

>>The president said that while "maybe we won't agree on abortion ... we can still agree that this is a heart-wrenching decision for any woman to make."<<

I imagine it must be. I'm sure Obama's mamma wanted to abort him. Had it been legal at that time, she just might have. It makes you wonder whether there might be some good in abortion.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Language is the consequence of thetan infestation

Recently I've been thinking about Chomsky's theories on the origin of language. I have a question for Chompsky. If we possess an innate grammer, why do apes not possess that same innate grammar? How could it be that such a grammar could evolve in the absense of language?

The solution to this question is obvious. Language was never acquired by humans. Instead, language is the result of brain damage, in the form of engrams, from thetans that once infested our bodies. The thetans needed to communicate between each other and altered our neural structure to accomodate that communication. A side effect of that activity is the neural structure necessary to produce and understand language. I will write more on this soon.

Kike Killer Caught

White man's hero, Stephen Morgan, was caught yesterday. Stephen Morgan tried to rid the world of reptilian people. From now on, May 8 will be known as Stephen Morgen Day.

Here's an article about Stephen Morgan, hero.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mexican President Didn't Tell U.S. About Flu Until it Was Too Late

Typical Mexican. Mexicans are only good for paid sex.

U.S. Slow to Learn of Mexico Flu

Canadian Officials Knew of Rare Strain Before Americans Did

By David Brown
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, April 26, 2009

U.S. public health officials did not know about a growing outbreak of swine flu in Mexico until nearly a week after that country started invoking protective measures, and didn't learn that the deaths were caused by a rare strain of the influenza until after Canadian officials did.

The delayed communication occurred as epidemiologists in Southern California were investigating milder cases of the illness that turned out to be caused by the same strain of swine flu as the one in Mexico.

In the wake of the 2001 terrorist attacks, the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003 and the more recent emergence of H5N1 bird flu in Asia, national and local health authorities have done extensive planning for disease outbreaks that could lead to global epidemics, or pandemics. Open and frequent communication between countries and agencies has been a hallmark of that work.

Whether delayed communication among the countries has had a practical consequence is unknown. However, it seems that U.S. public health officials are still largely in the dark about what's happening in Mexico two weeks after the outbreak was recognized.

Asked at a news conference yesterday whether the number of swine flu cases found daily in Mexico is increasing -- a key determinant in understanding whether an epidemic is spreading -- Anne Schuchat, an interim deputy director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said, "I do not know the answer to those questions."

As of yesterday, U.S. officials had reported 11 domestic cases, none fatal. Last night, Mexican health officials reported more than 1,300 suspected cases and 81 deaths "probably linked to the virus."

The earliest case found in Mexico was a 39-year-old woman who died April 12 of severe viral pneumonia in San Luis Potosi, a city of about 700,000 in central Mexico.

"That attracted the attention of the epidemiologist there," said Mauricio Hernández, deputy minister for disease prevention and health promotion in Mexico's Federal Department of Health.

The national Health Department surveyed 33 hospitals and uncovered about 120 cases, five fatal, of respiratory illnesses that appeared unusual. Initially, the investigators thought they were seeing an unusually severe outbreak of seasonal flu. Authorities urged hospitals to make sure their workers were vaccinated with this year's flu shot and advised physicians to treat flu cases with the antiviral drug oseltamivir.

On April 16 or 17, Mexico notified the Pan American Health Organization of the outbreak, Hernández said. The organization, based in Washington, is the Americas' branch of the World Health Organization. Spokesmen for both groups were not able to say yesterday when the influenza or pandemic planning offices at WHO's Geneva headquarters learned or were informed of the Mexico outbreak.

In recent years, Mexico has done extensive pandemic planning with Canada and developed a close relationship with the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg. Tests on virus samples from the Mexican patients suggested the strain was different from this year's flu. So on Monday, Mexican officials sent lung and throat swabs to Canada to be characterized.

The CDC, in Atlanta, is one of WHO's four "reference laboratories" for flu. It routinely gets samples from Mexico and many other countries, and processes them with great urgency, Nancy J. Cox, the head of the flu lab, said last night. It, too, eventually received the Mexican samples.

"The only reason the samples went first to Winnipeg is because the paperwork is easier. We were in a rush," Hernández said.

The samples arrived in Canada on Wednesday. Six hours later, Mexican authorities were told that 16 of 17 had tested positive for swine flu and that it was the same strain just isolated by the CDC from the very different cases in California.

The next day, Mexican health authorities contacted the CDC and the Department of Health and Human Services and said their country's outbreak and the U.S. cases appeared to be two parts of the same event. That same day, the Mexican samples arrived in Atlanta. They were tested in four hours, and Mexico was informed that they pointed to swine flu.

All Hail The Jewish Master Race!

All Hail The Jewish Master Race!

"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."

If I asked you what group of people embrace a set of doctrines like this, what would your answer be? Most of you would probably answer, "The Nazis." Today, in fact, it is Jews who make all these poisonous claims to racial superiority. No, not all the Jews. But, as I will document, a huge number of leaders among the Jews ascribe to these wicked and dangerous theories of racial and blood superiority.

No Basis for Peace

In his memoirs of his years in the White House, former President Jimmy Carter wrote that there could have been peace between the Arabs and the Israelis had it not been for the bigoted, Nazi-like racial views of Israeli's Prime Minister Menachem Begin. Begin, Carter recalled, believed the Jews were a Master Race, a holy people superior to Egyptians and Arabs. Begin also believed that God wanted the Jews to own the land, so there was absolutely no basis for peace. The Jews lusted after the land and intended to have it. Period.

Jews a Totally Different Species?

Rabbi Mendel Schneerson, the late Jewish Lubavitcher and friend of the senior George Bush, also believed the Jews are a superior Master Race. Many Jews today agree with the late Rabbi. Some even believe that Schneerson will himself someday be resurrected and return as the Jewish World Messiah. Schneerson once explained his theory of Jewish racial superiority this way. He said, "We have a case of the Jew...a totally different species."

"The body of a Jewish person," Schneerson bragged, "is of a totally different quality from the body of members of all other nations of the world. Bodies of the Gentiles are in vain. An even greater difference is in regard to the soul...A non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness."

Holocaust activist Elie Wiesel, whose lies about his holocaust experiences seem to be legion, also claims that Jews are a superior race. "Everything about us is different," Wiesel boasts. "Jews are ontologically exceptional."

No Mixed Marriages for the Superior Race

This poisonous theory of the Jews impacts their relations with all other nations and peoples. Because they are convinced they are the Master Race, superior, god souls living amongst inferior beasts, Israel does not sanction or allow mixed marriages (The Jerusalem Report, October 20, 1994, p.26). In the U.S.A., liberal Jews scream out for more mixed marriages, but only among Gentiles! Jewish leaders fund civil rights organizations and are in favor of increased immigration of foreign races. But back home in Israel, the Sharon government is now building a Berlin-style wall creating an apartheid nation, to keep "inferior" Arabs in their segregated ghettos.

Ze'ev Chafeto, the courageous Jewish editor of The Jerusalem Report magazine, notes that Israeli laws harshly prohibit people of non-Jewish races from immigrating to Israel. The Jews are determined to keep their race "pure" and unblemished, just as the Nazis sought for the Aryans. Christians are especially not welcome, and Israelis frequently use words similar to the condescending slang word "nigger" to describe Christians and Gentiles—vulgar, Yiddish slur words like "shiksa," "schwartze," and "shegetsz."

Since the Jews are claimed to be the Master Race, whose souls are said by the Talmud to be on a far higher plane than the animalistic, "satanic souls" of Gentiles, it is common for Jewish authorities to brand all Gentiles by the derogatory Yiddish term "goy," a term akin to a curse word. Meanwhile, Arabs are deemed so inferior they are even lower than the goy.

Jewish Blood vs. Inferior Blood

When several of his students were accused of murdering a teenage Arab girl, Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg insisted: "Jewish blood is not the same as the blood of a (Gentile) goy." In other words, if a god-like Jew kills an inferior goy, how can that be murder?

Israeli Yeshiva (school) students often demonstrate and chant, "Death to the Arabs." Defending their extreme behavior, Rabbi Ido Elba explains, "According to the Talmud (Jewish book of traditions), one may kill any Gentile." Rabbi Schlomo Aviner adds that normal human codes and laws of justice and righteousness do not apply to the Jews.

The widely studied Gush Emunim holds that, "Jews are not and cannot be a normal people...The Covenant made between God and the Jewish people effectively nullifies moral laws that bind normal nations."

"Jesus a Bastard," says Jewish Talmud

Even the leaders of Israel My Glory, a fanatically pro-Zionist, supposedly Christian ministry, have made note of the bizarre views of the Jews as found in their own book of laws and traditions, the Jewish Talmud. The organization's magazine (Dec./Jan. 1995/1996) published a revealing article detailing many of the hate-filled Talmudic beliefs of the Rabbis and their Zionist followers.

These beliefs include the teaching that Jesus was born a bastard and his mother, Mary, was a harlot (Mishna Yebamoth 4,13); that Jesus practiced black arts of magic (Sanhedrin 1076), and that Jesus is now suffering eternal punishment in a boiling vat of filthy excrement (Mishna Sanhedrin X, 2). These references come from the English translation of the Talmud known as The Soncino Talmud.

Indeed, the hate-filled, anti-Christian movie, The Last Temptation of Christ, produced by Universal Studios and its Chairman, the Jew, Lewis Wasserman, was an accurate, if disgusting, reflection of what the Jews' most holy book, the Talmud, teaches. And yet the Rabbis and leaders of the Jewish-led Simon Wiesenthal Center, The ADL, and the Southern Poverty Law Center have the audacity to blast and criticize Mel Gibson's upcoming movie merely because it recounts the gospel truth about the trial and death of Jesus. What hypocrites!

Memory of Jesus to be Blotted Out

The Talmud is full of language that portrays the Jews as God's Master Race and depicts all other races as trash and garbage. It warns Jews to stay away from Christians because Christians are said to be "unclean" and "murderers."

On the other hand, a Jew is pictured as one of God's Chosen People. The Jew is said to possess so great a dignity that no one, not even an angel, can share equality with him. In fact, the Jew is said to be the equal of God. Rabbi Chanina says that, "He who strikes an Israelite acts as if he slaps the face of God's Divine Majesty."

Because the Christian is considered unclean, a murderer, and an idolater, he must be exterminated, slaughtered without pity, squashed like a bug. "The memory of that man (Jesus) should be forever blotted out."

"Kill All Christians"—Talmud

The famous Jewish rabbi, Maimonides, acclaimed by Christian apologists and defenders of Zionism as "a great man of God," encouraged Jews to kill all Christians. In the Talmud (Hilkoth Akrum, X, 1), Maimonides says, "Do not have pity for them. Show no mercy unto them. Therefore, if you see one in difficulty of drowning, do not go to his help... it is right to kill him by your own hand by shoving him into a well or in some other way."

The monstrous and barbaric treatment Israel gives to Palestinians and other Arabs taken prisoner is easily understood when we realize that the Jews' own holy book, the Talmud, commands that heretics and traitors be killed without delay (Abhodah Zarah, 266) and that a Gentile taken prisoner may be killed, "even before he confesses...the sooner the better" (Choschen Hammischpat, 388, 10).

Murder of Gentiles Praised as a "Holy Sacrifice"

Moreover, the murder of Gentiles by Jews is said by the Talmud to be a "holy sacrifice" to God (Zohar, III, 2276 and I, 38b and 39a). Death of Gentiles by beheading is especially recommended (Pesachim, 49b).

The award-winning Jewish propaganda movie, Schindler's List, depicts Schindler lamenting how few Jews he has been able to save from a Nazi labor camp. But a little, old Jewish man says to him, "In our holy book, the Talmud, it says that if you save just one life, it is as if you have saved the entire world."

Actually, the exact wording in the Talmud says that if you save just one Jewish life, it is as if you have saved the entire world. According to the Talmud, Gentile lives, of course, have no value at all.

It is important to remember that, to the Jews, the Talmud is not an obsolete and crusty document. The rabbis teach that it is a living and breathing instructional document, a modern-day, indispensable holy book. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an ardent Jewish believer, was quoted in The New York Times as giving credit to the Talmud for her success on the bench. "The Talmud," said Ginsburg, "is my sacred guide for daily living."

Children Raped and Murdered

In Rome, Italy, in 2000, Italian police broke up a ring of eleven top Jewish gangsters. It was discovered that they had been kidnapping Gentile (non-Jewish) children between the ages of two and five from orphanages, raping them, and then murdering the children. These despicable crimes were recorded live on film and sold throughout the infamous global "snuff film" industry. Over 1,700 customers had paid as much as $20,000 per film to view little children being raped and murdered.

Both the Associated Press and Reuters agencies reported this heinous crime on September 27, 2000 (Also see The Rome Observer, October 1, 2000). But few U.S. newspapers and none of America's TV news networks carried this shocking news story. Why?

When Italian TV broadcast scenes of the arrests of the snuff film perverts at prime time to more than eleven million viewers, Jewish officials went berserk. Claiming "blood libel," they demanded that the Jewish elite who sat on the board of directors of the Italian TV network punish those responsible for allowing this news to surface. It was done. The TV executives were fired.

One cannot help but wonder: Was it Judaism's most holy book, the Talmud, that put it in the hearts of those monsters to commit such brutish and evil crimes against children? After all, their Talmud says that if a grown man rapes a young girl under three years of age, "it is nothing." And Gentiles, according to the Talmud, may be killed practically without restriction.

The Master Race—Beyond Good and Evil

In any event, the Jewish Master Race cannot be held to normal standards of righteousness and morality. They are said to be "beyond good and evil." That is what Adolf Hitler believed about the Aryans. It is what Ariel Sharon and hundreds of Jewish rabbis and Illuminists believe about the Jews.

When questioned about his earlier role in the genocidal massacre by Israeli defense forces of thousands of unarmed Egyptian POWs during the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin snapped, "I'm not going to discuss that. That's ancient history." An odd and telling comment, indeed, since the Jews insist there is no statute of limitations that prevents the capture, trial, and execution of Germans accused of war crimes that occurred in the 1930s and 1940s, over six decades ago.

"Ye Shall Die Like Men"

God is not a racist. He has no use for haters. In the Holy Bible, our Saviour totally refutes and condemns the heinous and unconscionable Master Race theory, confirming to us that there is nothing holy in men's flesh and blood: "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God" (I Corinthians 15:50).

In the Bible, King David flatly told the unrighteous Jews that even though by tradition they claimed they were gods, "ye shall die like men" (Psalm 82:1-8).

The Jews fervently believe their blood is divine, and that only the Jews comprise a Holy Nation. They view themselves as "God's Chosen," a special Master Race. Their Zionist leaders smugly view other peoples as vermin, as inferior and of little value. The Jews and their leaders are sadly mistaken. They are in dire need of instruction and repentance.

Moreover, our God is preparing for them a great surprise. Unless they repent of their racism and sins and turn to Jesus Christ, these elitist Jews are going to a place where there is a lot of room. Indeed, Proverbs 27:20 and Isaiah 5:14 assure us that Hell is never full, and is always being enlarged. Thus, there is plenty of room amidst the flames for the ungodly Jews whose arrogance and pride cause them to esteem themselves the Master Race.

Inducing criteria for lexicalization parts of speech using the Cyc KB

Bjørn Aldag


We present an approach for learning part-of-speech distinctions by induction over the lexicon of the Cyc knowledge base. This produces good results (74.6%) using a decision tree that incorporates both semantic features and syntactic features. Accurate results (90.5%) are achieved for the special case of deciding whether lexical mappings should use count noun or mass noun headwords. Comparable results are also obtained using OpenCyc, the publicly available version of Cyc.

1 Introduction

In semantic lexicons, a lexical mapping describes the relationship between a concept and phrases used to refer to it. This mapping includes syntactic information for deriving variant phrases, including the part of speech of the headword. Selecting the part of speech for the lexical mapping is required so that proper inflectional variations can be recognized and generated for the term. Although often a straightforward task, there are special cases that can pose problems, especially when fine-grained speech part categories are used. To reduce the need for linguistic expertise in producing these lexicalizations for a large knowledge base like Cyc [Lenat, 1995], linguistic criteria can be inferred from decisions that have been made by lexical knowledge engineers in lexicalizing preexisting terms. The Cyc knowledge base, containing 120,000 concepts and over one million axioms,1 divides roughly into three layers. The upper ontology formalizes fundamental distinctions (e.g., tangibility versus intangibility). The lower ontology collects specific facts, often related to concrete applications, and the middle ontology encodes commonsense knowledge about the world. The KB also includes a broad-coverage English lexicon mapping words and phrases to terms throughout the KB. Natural language lexicons are integrated directly into the
Cyc KB [Burns and Davis, 1999]. Binary predicates, as in (nameString HEBCompany ”HEB”), map names to terms. A denotational assertion maps a phrase, specified via a lexical concept with optional string modifiers, into a concept, usually a collection. The part of speech is specified by Cyc’s SpeechPart constants. The simplest type of denotational mapping uses the denotation predicate. For example, (denotation Device-Word CountNoun 0 PhysicalDevice) indicates that sense 0 of the count noun ‘device’ refers to PhysicalDevice (via the wordforms “device” and “devices”). Three additional predicates account for phrasal mappings: compoundString, head-MedialString, and multiWordString are used for phrases with the headword at the beginning, the middle, and the end, respectively. These denotational assertions, excluding lexical mappings for technical, informal and slang terms, form the training data for a lexicalization speech part classifier.

2 Inference of lexicalization part of speech

Our method of inferring the part of speech for lexicalizations is to apply decision tree learning over existing lexical mappings. For each target denotatum term, the corresponding defnitional information (e.g., isa), asserted or inferable via transitivity, is extracted from the ontology. For simplicity, these definitional types are referred to as ancestor terms. Associations between the lexicalization parts of speech and common ancestor terms underlie the lexicalization speech part classifier and its special case, the mass-count classifier (distinguishing, e.g., “much sand” from “many books”). To reduce
the size of the training feature vector, only the most frequent 256 atomic terms from the thousands of possible ancestor
terms are selected, after excluding certain internal bookkeeping constants.
Given a training instance, such as a denotation from a lexeme into a specific Cyc concept using a particular SpeechPart
(e.g., MassNoun or a CountNoun), the feature specification is derived by determining all the ancestor terms of the denotatum term and converting this into a vector of occurrence indicators, one indicator per reference term. Then the headword is checked for the occurrence of a set of commonly used suffixes. If found, the suffix itself is added to the vector (in a position set aside for suffixes of the same length). The part of speech serves as the classification variable. We use decision trees for this classification. Part of the motivation is that the result is readily interpretable and can be incorporated directly by knowledge-based applications. A classification over Cyc lexical mappings, using Cyc reference terms and headword suffixes as features. Instances is size of the training data. Classes indicates number of choices. Baseline selects most frequent case. A simple fragment from the resulting decision tree shows how
ontological features interact with morphological ones:

if (isa AbstractInformationalThing) then
if (suffix = “-er”) then
if (not isa SomethingExisting) then AgentiveNoun
if (isa SomethingExisting) then MassNoun
if (suffix = “-ed”) then MassNoun
if (suffix = “-al”) then Adjective
if (suffix = “-or”) then AgentiveNoun

Table 1 shows the results of 10-fold cross validation for the mass-count classification. This was produced using the J48
algorithm in theWeka machine learning package [Witten and Frank, 1999], which is an implementation of Quilan’s C4.5
[Quinlan, 1993] decision tree learner. This shows that the system achieves an accuracy of 90.5%, an improvement of 22.3
percentage points over a baseline of always selecting the most frequent case. The OpenCyc version of the classifier also performs well. This suggests that sufficient data is already available in OpenCyc (available online at to
allow for good approximations for such classifications.
The mass/count noun distinction can be viewed as a special case of speech part classification. Running the same classifier
using the full set of speech part classes yields the results shown in Table 2. Here the overall result is not as high, but there is a similar improvement over the baseline.

3 Discussion

Contextual part of speech tagging [Brill, 1995] has received substantial attention in the literature, but there has been relatively little written on automatically determining default lexicalization parts of speech. Woods [Woods, 2000] describes
an approach to this problem using manually-constructed rules incorporating syntactic, morphological, and semantic tests
(via an ontology). Our rules are induced from the knowledge base, which alleviates the need for rule maintenance as well as rule construction. This paper shows that an accurate decision procedure (90.5%) for determining the mass-count distinction in lexicalizations can be induced from the lexical mappings in the Cyc KB. The performance (74.6%) in the general case is also promising, given that it is a much harder task with over 30 part of speech categories to choose from. The features incorporate semantic information, in particular Cyc’s ontologicaltypes, in addition to syntactic information (e.g., headword morphology). Although the main approach incorporates Cyc’s conceptual distinctions, it can be extended to non-Cyc applications via the WordNet mapping [O’Retard et al., 2003].

This work is just a small initial step in applying machine learning techniques to the massive amount of data in Cyc. The recent release of OpenCyc enables wider investigation and exploitation of the information in the Cyc knowledge base for intelligent applications.


The lexicon work at Cycorp has been supported by many staff members, and, in part by grants from NIST, DARPA, and ARDA. The
first author is currently supported by a GAANN fellowship from the Department of Education. The work utilized NMSU resources obtained through MII Grants EIA-9810732 and EIA-0220590.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Mexicans Bring Disease to the United States

I live in Texas and this is scary stuff. A Mexican-born swine flu is on its way. This could be as bad as the flu of 1918. Maybe this is Obama's plan to fight unemployment?

Someone should teach these Mexicans the value of bathing.

Here's the current scoop from fox.

World Health Organization Chief: Swine Flu Outbreak Could Become 'Pandemic'

A new swine flu strain that has killed as many as 68 people and sickened more than 1,000 across Mexico has "pandemic potential," the World Health Organization chief said Saturday, and it may be too late to contain the sudden outbreak.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that the virus has spread widely and cannot be contained, Reuters reported.

"It is clear that this is widespread. And that is why we have let you know that we cannot contain the spread of this virus," Reuters quoted the CDC's Dr. Anne Schuchat.

The disease has already reached Texas and California, and with 24 new suspected cases reported Saturday in Mexico City alone, schools were closed and all public events suspended in the capital until further notice — including more than 500 concerts and other gatherings in the metropolis of 20 million.